Letters of Recommendation

Letters of Recommendation

In your senior year, if not before, you will probably want to approach your professors for letters of recommendation. Professors get many of these requests, so it is in your interest to follow these guidelines:

  • Ask for the letters well in advance of the deadlines. If they say yes then:
  • Remind your recommender what classes you took (with quarters and grades) you have taken from the recommender. We teach many classes and students, and jogging our memory is to your advantage.
  • Ask “do you need a copy of the work I did in your class” and/or “do you need a 2 week reminder?
  • Provide the recommender a copy of the written statement or letter you will be sending with your application (Drafts might be ok, depends on the faculty).  
  • Send the links to the forms required.

For more information on career readiness, visit the Internship and Career Center website and check out their information on creating a reference list.